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the jm financial report with target came out to general public on 5 sept it seems , i checked it today only , that explains initial spike and subsequent volumes spurt , crucially the report says jm financial fairly confident that krsnaa will deliver 40% or more revenue growth and 1050 target is assuming 40% discount to other lzb shares like thyrocare etc , it seems jm financial comparing price of per lab test compared to metropolis and dr.lal etc , though krsnaa charges less its cost is comparatively even less as it doesnt pay for real estate , doctors commission etc , so as more centres operationalized its margin going to explode ,and once operations stabilised volumes boost both government patients and private walk ins will amplify boosting profit margins even higher , actually the MOAT krsnaa built in government hospital business became a MONOPOLY in government hospital business , this not even one brokerages realized , discerning investors accumulating daily close to 45% about 1lakh shares in delivery based buying past few months , and reflected in both foreigners and mutual funds holding increasing every quarter

4.27 PM Sep 5th
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