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Unfortunately when investors complain and action is taken against the company the share falls even more. Most of the company officials dont really have any financial stake in the company so they really care a darnn. All they want to be in good books with some large investors and supply them information in exchange of some fancy gifts and favors in return. I also think now till they announce decent reaults which probably would nit happen till Q3 or Q4 the share price will stay in a narrow band or say 130 to 160 and languish there as investors shun the share and cut their losses. Sadly public memory is short and again after a year there will be a new set of investors who would chase HOEC and then they would also burn their fingers and the cycle would go on. Since Elango has a financial stake in the company and if he has sold his shares his shares after June 30 then I really feel he should be charged with insider trading and put behind bars.

6.47 PM Aug 18th
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