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Aditya Vision

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Aditya Vision Q1FY24 Con Call Highlights:- 1. Great set of numbers irrespective of unseasonal rains that affected the demand for the compressor products in April and May. June was amazing for the cooling products. Overall top-line grew 46% YOY in Q1 2. Bihar contributed 88% of the top-line, Jharkhand 10% and UP 2%. Company opened its first store in UP in March 3. Opened 12 stores in Q1. 5 in Bihar, 5 in UP and 2 in Jharkhand. Total store count (Aug 28) is 125 4. Aim to open 8-12 more stores before the festive season 5. Company achieved half of the revenues in FY23 in the first quarter of this fiscal 6. Intend to open 25 stores every fiscal and would be looking to move to Chattisgarh and West Bengal in the coming years 7. Growth drivers: Electrification, affordable financing, increase in disposable income and east-India remains the least penetrated geography in India 8. Company would strive to maintain margins between 13-15% 9. Aditya Vision became the largest electronics retailer in Jharkhand with just 18 stores because there is hardly any competition in the states. Reliance Digital and Croma are its competitors in the state 10. The SSSG for the matured stores is between 10-15%. Any store than does sales between Rs 12-18 CR is considered as a mature store 11. The SSSG in this quarter was mainly driven by the cooling products like AC and Fridge 12. Q1 always remain the best quarter for the company. The focus shifts to selling lower margin products like mobile phones, laptops, washing machines, TV, microwave etc 13. AVL doing better than other electronics retailers because of the choice of geography and the states 14. The company grew top-line 80% in June 2024 vs June 2023 . June took care of the entire quarter. 15. Demand is still good in the monsoon season 16. The company can touch 140 stores in FY24 and have 25 stores in eastern-UP by FY24 17. Company does not fear competition in existing geographies and belief they have better negotiations powers with the OEMs 18. Margins are sustainable in UP as they are in Bihar and Jharkhand

1.20 AM Sep 8th
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